How to Live Your Day like The Greatest of All Time

Successful people hate to-do lists. Instead, they calendar their day into manageable bits of 

awesomeness like this:


05:30 AM – Wake up

05:31 AM – Polish rings

05:35 AM – Gym

08:00 AM – Breakfast with Gisele and kids

09:00 AM – Mattress commercial

11:00 AM – Nap

11:59 AM – Polish rings again

12:00 PM – Lunch 

01:00 PM – Surf

03:00 PM – Be awesome

04:00 PM – Quality time with Alex – Massage

06:00 PM – Dinner 

07:00 PM – Answer G.O.A.T. DMs on Instagram

08:25 PM – Kiss rings goodnight – give light shine

08:30 PM – Sleep 


For others, their list looks more like this:


05:20 AM – Tweet

05:30 AM – Wake up

06:00 AM – Talk shop with V.P. (not Pence)

08:00 AM – Watch Fox 

08:45 AM – Block NYT reporter (worst ever)

09:00 AM – Skip intelligence briefing

10:00 AM – Executive Tweet Time

11:00 AM – Very secret debriefing on the super duper missile

12:45 PM – Lunch

02:00 PM – Fire phony guy (very dishonest and weak)

03:00 PM – Play golf

04:30 PM – Call Kim (terrific guy)

06:30 PM – Dinner (meatloaf + 2 scoops of ice cream)

08:00 PM – Rant at courts (completely overrated)

08:45 PM – Retweet

08:50 PM – Rant @ Congress (tremendous hatred)

09:00 PM – Me Time w/ Fox

01:00 AM – No sleep


One of them is Tom Brady’s calendar.


Lists simply keep piling up and honestly you’ll never get them done.


Set apart a focus time for your high-intensity tasks, and allow a buffer for everything else.  

Assign realistic timeslots and stick to them. No matter what.


Make your schedule great again.


How to Beat “The Rock”, Every Single Day

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson inspires millions—which is easy to understand, looking at his Herculean physique and commitment.


The Rock rolls out of bed at 3:30 AM to run a marathon. He then eats a couple of chickens, a duffle bag of oatmeal, 96 egg whites, and chucks down a barrel of watermelon juice while hovering over a pillow, meditating.


After breakfast he hits the gym for another hour or two, doing Romanian deadlifts with two Chevy Sparks on the bar.


He spends the rest of his morning slamming cars through windows, pulling choppers out of the sky, and ripping lions in half with his bare hands.


After another high-protein meal, he saves California from sliding into the Pacific, leaps off skyscrapers, and raises awareness for climate change with jungle documentaries.


Before Happy Hour, he purchases the XFL in his quest for equal player rights.


The Rock then unwinds, drafting his 2024 presidential bid by flickering candlelight.


Luckily, I’m not the kind of superhuman that Mr. Johnson is.


I delegate.


I got a guy in Ethiopia doing my morning runs.


I retain a lady in the Philippines to handle my bench presses, hammer curls, and barbell squats.


I got two Albanians chopping up cars and handling explosions.


There’s this Mexican who keeps close tabs on seismic activity along the San Andreas line.


I pay an Indian grad student to crunch the numbers on which football franchise to buy.


And as for my presidential campaign, I got a guy in Russia.


Time is the only commodity you can’t get a refill on.


You can make money, lose all of it, and then go make some more. You can lose friends or lovers, but you’ll always get back on your feet. Only time ticks away, regardless.


Do we live by following examples, or by setting our own priorities and aligning our time to meet those goals?


Set realistic goals. Reserve time for your main focus. Outsource everything else.


Arnold Schwarzenegger wakes up at 5:00 AM, reads the news, does a light workout, eats breakfast, showers, and then switches on his nuclear power cell.

Let off some steam. It’s OK to settle on governorship.