How to Live Your Day like The Greatest of All Time

Successful people hate to-do lists. Instead, they calendar their day into manageable bits of 

awesomeness like this:


05:30 AM – Wake up

05:31 AM – Polish rings

05:35 AM – Gym

08:00 AM – Breakfast with Gisele and kids

09:00 AM – Mattress commercial

11:00 AM – Nap

11:59 AM – Polish rings again

12:00 PM – Lunch 

01:00 PM – Surf

03:00 PM – Be awesome

04:00 PM – Quality time with Alex – Massage

06:00 PM – Dinner 

07:00 PM – Answer G.O.A.T. DMs on Instagram

08:25 PM – Kiss rings goodnight – give light shine

08:30 PM – Sleep 


For others, their list looks more like this:


05:20 AM – Tweet

05:30 AM – Wake up

06:00 AM – Talk shop with V.P. (not Pence)

08:00 AM – Watch Fox 

08:45 AM – Block NYT reporter (worst ever)

09:00 AM – Skip intelligence briefing

10:00 AM – Executive Tweet Time

11:00 AM – Very secret debriefing on the super duper missile

12:45 PM – Lunch

02:00 PM – Fire phony guy (very dishonest and weak)

03:00 PM – Play golf

04:30 PM – Call Kim (terrific guy)

06:30 PM – Dinner (meatloaf + 2 scoops of ice cream)

08:00 PM – Rant at courts (completely overrated)

08:45 PM – Retweet

08:50 PM – Rant @ Congress (tremendous hatred)

09:00 PM – Me Time w/ Fox

01:00 AM – No sleep


One of them is Tom Brady’s calendar.


Lists simply keep piling up and honestly you’ll never get them done.


Set apart a focus time for your high-intensity tasks, and allow a buffer for everything else.  

Assign realistic timeslots and stick to them. No matter what.


Make your schedule great again.